New Offering

Is your organization searching for an opportunity to explore and embody a wholistic and radical approach to trauma and healing?

I have intentionally cultivated a powerful and transformative workshop series rooted in concientización - conciousness raising. My curriculum is decolonial, anti-oppressive and liberatory in nature with the goal of healing seven generations backwards and forwards.

This four-part workshop series is all encompassing to meet your needs and can also be curated and expanded into six sessions if desired for more in-depth work.

Previous supporters include Denny Middle School and White Center Community Development Association.

A Wholistic and Radical Understanding of Trauma:

Part 1. A Wholistic and Radical Understanding of Trauma

This workshop will define individual, communal, intergenerational, historical, and racial trauma. It will explore ongoing impacts on the individual, communal and societal levels with the goal of supporting healing for staff.

  • Radically define trauma; individual, historical, systemic

  • Begin exploring the wholistic impact of trauma

  • Honor the historical and current grief

Part 2. Inheritance: I am a Traumatized Being in Relationship with Other Traumatized Beings

This workshop will deepen participants understanding of their trauma inheritance. Participants will identify interpersonal and structural patterns of trauma and how it manifests in their relationship to self and others.

  • Gain insight into attachment theory

  • Understand the importance of safety, security, predictability and nurturance

  • Begin developing compassionate accountability

Part 3: Sustained Healing: I am More than my Trauma

This workshop will explore how we begin to cultivate a healing centered practice for ourselves and others. Participants will explore whether they are living and practicing authentically in alignment with their values and ethics, and their most healed selves.    

  • Mind, body, heart and spirit connection

  • Right relationship with self and others (interpersonally and institutionally)

  • Sacred boundaries

Part 4: Cultivating a Life-Affirming and Sustainable Practice: Joy is my Birthright

This workshop will discuss inherited patterns that no longer benefit us. It will name the role of survival strategies and how these have helped us in the past but also how they can inhibit present and future joy. Participants will discuss how to move from surviving to thriving and will cultivate a sustainability plan.  

  • Name and identify survival strategies

  • Explore what it means to thrive

  • Honor mind, body, heart and spirit


Part 3: Trauma: A Somatic Lens 

This workshop will explore how our bodies respond to and are impacted by trauma. Participants will learn about the connection between trauma, dis-ease and begin to explore how to heal, metabolize, and integrate from a somatic perspective. 

  • Explore neuro-biology of trauma

  • Discuss fight/flight/freeze/fawn responses

  • Introduce Window of Tolerance and Polyvagal Theory

Part 6: Celebration and Play: Celebrating our Resilience

This workshop will discuss the importance of joy, play, and celebration in cultivating our personal and collective sustainability and resiliency. It will emphasize the role of play in our healing and liberation.

  • Engage in early inner child/teenager work

  • Discuss the health benefits of laughter, play and fun

  • Develop practices to honor strength and resiliency